Friday 15 April 2011

Racetrack Playa,USA

Tuesday 10th August
I am going to California in the USA. When I get there I am going to Death Valley. It is the hottest and driest place in the USA.

When I got to Death Valley it was really windy. All around there was tall mountains  made out of dolomite. I looked down and there were millions of cracks on the floor. It was awesome. There was also  imprints everywhere and they lead up to some rocks. I asked the man who I was with "how do the rocks move." He said they move during the times when the ground is really wet and soft and muddy. They slide. I took loads of pictures of the Racetrack Playas and the mountains.

I had a great day. I thought the Racetrack Playas were a bit spooky. I will never ever for get this day it was so amazing.

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