Thursday 14 April 2011

The Forbidden City, China

Monday 17th May
I arrived at the airport at 10:00 in the morning. It was very busy and I was so tired. I am going to Beijing in China.
When I got to Beijing I checked in to a hotel and went to bed. Traveling is so tiring.

Tuesday 18th May
The next morning I got on a coach and traveled to the Forbidden City. When I  arrived there were thousands of people queueing to get in. When I got to the entrance it was very long. When I got to the main building there were some guards wearing funny hats and clothes. I walked in side it was beautiful. It was full of silk and Chinese patterns and it was amazing. All of the buildings were red and gold. There is about 10,000 houses in the whole of the Forbidden City so one of the guides told me. The Forbidden City was built to protect the emperor, his wives and concubines.It was also for the emperor to get away from his enemies from Mongolia.

I left and got back on the coach and then back to the hotel. I hope I can go again as it was beautiful.

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